Isnin, Ogos 27, 2018
Hai hai~ Assalamualaikum w.b.t 
Alhamdulillah dah selamat kembali ke Johor kembali. Yadoi, penatnya walau naik kapal terbang. Penat berjalan tu yang nombor satu. Campur la penat segala-galanya. Walaupun begitu, takkan mampu mengganti penat seorang ibu. 

Seronok dapat balik kampung walau seminggu. Kumpul adik beradik, jumpa umi dan ayah. Ianya sangat membahagiakan hati seorang Aien. Tapi walau macamana, sedih kalau setiap kali balik cerita yang sama berulang kali diulang tayang saban majlis atau raya. Sedih kan? 

Kali ni, Aien buat majlis aqiqah anak sekaligus open house la untuk raya haji ni. Secara rasminya, majlis tu officially atas nama anak Aien la kan. But, still someone want to make that majlis as their own and want to impress his friend with billion thing people would like at majlis open house kan? 

Yes. We know as a daughters, we should listening to you, indeed. As time was gone we losing our respect on you. Betul la kata orang, jika kita mahu dihormat, kita mesti menghormati. 😔 Sekaligus, Aien bersyukur sangat walau cik Husband tak romantik dia ada side yang most woman would like. BUT - please don't be Husna in my marriage. 😒 

Years over years, dari kecik sampai dah beranak ni..  Cerita yang sama berulang sampai masyarakat jiran tetangga pun tanya benda yang sama, how your mum could stand your dad? How strong she is, right? 

I just don't get it. How and forever how I guess. For women out there. There a lot of men. Either he is good or not, suitable for you or not as typical human being we learn how to be good to each other. How to apperciate one by another. Put your egotisme out for awhile in marriage. Yep, marriage is battlefield. We fight. Also a class. We learn. How to built a home sweet home.

I learn. We learn. What's comes around, goes around.

Mum, we thank you for everything. This article I decided for you, from heart a woman to a woman. A daughter to her mum. A housewife to other housewife.

She did try everything to please her husband. She did want to be obidient to her master. Yet, she failed wrong somewhere. Just in time, she wait and keep waiting till the heart does not want to, she will left. Be prepare. I do prepare. Because she in pain for long time.

Let her go. Let her go. She also need her 'me time'. She also want to be like other woman  success by their own. And she also regret the choice perhaps. After seing us, her daughter grown up and married a best man in their life. She grateful for everything. Thanks for everything.

I felt you mum, but I'm not strong like you. Seeing you in pain. My tears burst out like a fall. My heart is broken as much your heart is broke so many time. I do regret cause I didn't understand you. Sebab tu orang cakap, Bila kau kawen kau akan rasa apa yang mak kau rasa. Yes. Whats comes around goes around. Orang cakap berdasarkan pengalaman. Bukan cakap kosong. Memang perubahan zaman memerlukan kita bertindak dengan lebih baik. Tapi, tentang perangai manusia ini tiada apa yang berubah.

I just, I'm sorry but I love you mum. Thanks for everything. For the advise and didikan dari kecik sampai besar.

Love, your daughter

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